Friday, 17 April 2009
Caught Between Two Things I Love
Sometimes in life there are things you have to do or want to do that might not upset but dissappoint people who are close to you. I chat online everyday to a myla. We get on really well and we are very close. But over the last few days I've not been able to chat to her because I work at the hospital as volunteer. My assignment was taking sick people home in my own time in my car. I do enjoy this, the problem has arise that the time I do my volunteer work is the same time I chat to her. I love this work but I also love myla as well. I hope she can understand this and will still chat to her everyday if I can. Myla I'd like to thank you for understanding me and will always love you. Don't worry about that.
Sunday, 22 March 2009
Today's Flowers

Today in England is mothering sunday where everyone sent flowers to their mum. I was not different I saw this very nice picture of this wonderful flower arrangement in London's flower shop. There were red roses with red and white gerbera and malaysian mums. I thought it would be very nice if I could get flowers and send them to her for mothering sunday. I'm sure if she saw them it would have made her happy. To my mum, happy mother's day. This is my first time to join today's flowers. To view more about flowers, just click the logo above.
Wednesday, 18 March 2009
Trip To Seaside
I can't remember the last time I went to the seaside. Well yesterday I went to a place called eastbourne. It's a family place although I was not just going to see the sea it was again I was going to football. I took the chance to drive down though the town on the way to the football ground. It was nice to see the sand it reminds me of when I was a small child back in the 1960s. I can't see if it has changed that much but even so although it was football I went to see it did bring back happy memories of the days when I love the sea and sand.
Monday, 16 March 2009
Salisbury Cathedral

I took this picture as the sun was going to set just after I drop my son off to work. I feel when I'm in the cathedral grounds its seem I'm in a diff world it was so peaceful. I just wanted to get out the car and sit on the green grass and look at what a wonderful building it was and meditate for a while.
Friday, 13 March 2009
Trip To The Dentist
On thursday when I got up seeem know different to any other day but I'm telling you it was everyone's worse nightmare. A trip to the dentist I have to tell you if I could got out of going I would have done the time to go to the dentist was 16:45. And as the time came closer I was worried i needed someone to hold my hand. I sat in the dentist chair and open my mouth and I must say my indian dentist was very good. She looked in my mouth and said I only needed a filling not too much to worry about but after she done the filling it did not take me long to leave the dentist. I must say she'd done a very good job now I'm happy don't have to go for six months fingers crossed.
Wednesday, 11 March 2009
Red Nose

Salisbury cathedral is taking part in comic relief's red nose day by turning its 404 feet soaring spire red each night from monday 9th of march though to red nose day on friday the 13th of march. It hopes that everyone who sees the red nose, cathedral will be reminded of the comic relief message and encouraged to do something special to raise money for charity. The dean of salisbury the very Rev. June Osborne thinks it`s great for the cathedral to be able to support the charity, in such a public and positive manner we`re very pleased to be taking an active role, to support comic relief and be in a position to use our profile and sheer size to help.
Sunday, 8 March 2009
The Football Match
I would like to tell you about the big football match yesterday between my team salisbury and kidderminster. I arrived at the ground at 12 midday and part of the job I do for the club is the car park. I collected the money and tell them where to park. The game is very important for salisbury because we are near to the bottom of the league. And the other team is near on top. I managed to get into the game just before it started. There was not much between the teams until just before the end. Salisbury had penalty we miss it so the game ended in a draw we could have won it. But i think a draw was a fair score I can't wait till next game on tuesday night.
Friday, 6 March 2009
Romney & Myla
I would like to let everyone know that myla and myself are very much in love. I live in the uk and she lives in the philippines. We met online about eight months ago and have fallen in love everyday. And we have decided to let everyone know about us. Myla is very kind person and I'm so happy we are together so I'd like to say one thing to her I LOVE YOU MYLA.
Thursday, 5 March 2009
A Volunteer
I've been off work now with a bad knee for about eight months. As my knee is getting better I've thought it would be nice to put a few hours back a week and be a volunteer at the hospital. Well, today I went for an interview I was told I could help around the wards with cups of tea and papers. Talk to the patients, show people where to go if lost in the hospital and pick up and take home some elderly people home in my car. I feel I will be putting something back into the hospital for the time they have looked after me with my bad knee.
Saturday, 28 February 2009
A Night Out
I'm not much of going out. I spend most of my time chatting to my girlfriend in the philippines. So when I had a chance to go out with my footballing friends I jumped at it. We all met at a pub called the coach and horses. There was about Nine of us, I did not drink much because too much drink is bad for the health. But we all sat down to a wonderful meal everyone had something different. I had spaghetti bolognese I really enjoyed it with cheese on top. After the meal we all sat down in the corner and of course talked about football.
Someone You Want But Can't Reach
Have you ever wondered what it is like to want someone so much but can't reach this person yet. Well this is happening to me there is this girl who's 31 lives in the philippines. I have known this girl now for about eight months. We chat everyday we say we love each other everyday and I text her and call her she tells me she loves me. The problem is I live in UK and she lives in the philippines. That's about 8000 miles away although we can see each other on web cam it's not the same we both want to hold each other. I do hope no one else has this problem. This girl knows who she is.
Thursday, 26 February 2009
Feeling Ill
Over the last few days I've not been feeling too well. It must have been something I have eaten. I was up most of the night, I could not go online to chat to my friends. I did not fill up to it the thing, I missed the most my dear friend over the internet. She's been a rock to me over the last seven months or so and like a true friend she called me and texted me to tell me how worried she was and was thinking of me all the time. It's great to have friends as good as her around. Thank you and I feel a lot better now.
Friday, 20 February 2009
Hospital Cup
Last night I attended the hospital cup. Its a competition played against all the big local team. As the name says it's there to help the local hospital. We had a good turn out and the game was played in the right spirit. We had a raffle that make a good amount as well but there was one thing I thought sums up the day. The man won but he gave his prize to the hospital. There's still kind heats out there.
Thursday, 19 February 2009
My Football Team

I'd like to tell you about the love of my life is salisbury football team. We play in the 5th highest football league in england called the blue square premier at the moment. We are near the bottom of that league so tuesday night's game was what we called at six pointers. My team played very well with the other team going close to scoring a number of times. It's not good for the heart but with great joy and a little luck we won the game 1-0. I was so happy when leaving the ground because that win moves us up the table at bit. (",)
Wednesday, 18 February 2009

Every thursday or friday I go shopping and I've noticed how much shopping has cost over the last year. And how much its gone up I get less in my tally this year than I did last year. I know I'm very lucky I live in england and get most things I want. When I go to the supermarket it makes me grateful to be able to buy what I want when all over the world there's people starving.
Monday, 16 February 2009
the internet

I have now been surfing the internet for about 5 years. I'm 53 and like many people at my age have found it hard to get used to using it. But over the years have picked up tips. And now get by with the basics you can lean so much and have found out so much even things I did not know anything about. I store pictures of my family on here its like a big album. The internet is such a wonderful thing that even families who live far apart can see and talk to each other as if there in the room next door. I do understand there are people who use the internet for there evil ways but as a whole I found and made so many friends on here. I like to tell you there's one friend I made online who is very special to me. We are very close and share most things when possible. She lives in the other part of the world that is not the richies. But whenever I needed help online or anything else she's always there. So to this person who knows this, thank you for everything you've done for me. God bless.
Saturday, 14 February 2009
Holly's birthday

This is my daughter who just turned 18 last friday the 13th, that's right friday the 13th. We all went out as a family to have a meal at a place called the harvester. My son and his girlfriend and holly and her boyfriend between us we had chicken and fish with a salad. I can't believe holly is now 18. It only seem no time ago she was my baby, it just shows how fast they grow up. Happy birthday angel!!!
Wednesday, 11 February 2009
Day at hospital

Hello my friends in blog. It's wednesday today and that means another trip to the hospital for my physical therapy. I have to go two times today unlike last week where it was so cold and snowy. Today it's dry and very bright but still a bit cold. The hospital where I go is very big and its a long walk from where I park the car to the physical therapy unit. The session last just over an hour and as I'm one of the older ones, it sure does make me tired but I know I need to do this to get my knee back to full straight. There are over ten different execises to do and am very glad when it finishes.
Tuesday, 10 February 2009

Today I will show you a picture of a winter scene that you will see all over UK. It shows how cold and frosty morning. There's no snow although we had a bit over the last week. What you can see is the morning mist. I think this is a quiet and peaceful place somewhere when I'm older I could retire to.
Monday, 9 February 2009
My Sick Cat

You would not think that 24 hours ago this is the same cat. He was so sick being a male cat who's name is spice always seems to get into a fight with other cats. He won't back down he had a large lump by his mouth that was infected so even on sunday we took him to the veterinarian. The veterinarian was so good and kind and looked after our cat as if he was his own. So our family would like to thank this veterinarian for the time he gave on sunday to look after spice.
Birthday Girl
Sunday, 8 February 2009
Feeling Down
I want people to know if things get bad there's always a light at the end of the tunnel. I've been off from work now for over seven months with a bad knee. And for the first time in my life I can't have things I always wanted. It's now I open my eyes how lucky I have been. I do understand there's lots of people around the world who are 100% worse off than I am. I'm lucky I live in england and have friends and family around but there's one special person who I won't say her name but lives in the philippines whom, over the last seven months or so has been a rock in my life. I know this person has not had everything she has wanted but still had time to talk to me and cheer me up. So to this person, thank you very much and if ever this person wanted me around she knows where I am.
Saturday, 7 February 2009
Football game was cancelled

After a long week at work I do enjoy my weekend break. I love my sport especially football. So after I heard that the weather was so bad the game I love was called off all because of the snow. The football club did ask for volunters to help them clear the pitch but with the amount of snow that fell we fought a losing battle. It's not very often the game is called off because of snow so I now have to do another long week at work. I hope next week's game can go ahead as you can see from the picture how much snow fell near the ground. Grrrr Happy weekend.
my football club

I'd like to tell everyone about the love of my life its football club. It's not your man utd or liverpool but its salisbury city. We play our football in the blue square premier league. We dont get big crowds only about 1000 to 1500 but its a family club, and people are very friendy and mostly happy even more when we win. We try and get the children in for free, so they keep it a family atmosphere. We also try to encourange someone in every home game to dress up as panda and give sweets to the children so they can keep your man utds and liverpool. I sooner be watching salisbury game. Hope we will win.
Thursday, 5 February 2009
my old school

The other day I was driving close to my very first school way back in 1960's, that tells you how old I am. hehehe I can remember the old classrooms were very cold. I can also remember the toilets were outside and always used to freeze in the winter. I always had a lot of fun and at the bottom of the playing field was a railway track. And when the stream train came out the tunnel it was a race to see who could see it first. What a great times, we had so much fun. Those were the days when I was young and so free.
Wednesday, 4 February 2009
Snowy Day

written from my heart
I don't know where to start this blog but the person who will read this first will know its written for her. I want to tell you about this very pretty, beautiful and inteligent young lady she will be 31st on the 9th of february. So I want to be the first to wish her a happy birthday. I want to tell her there been times I said things to her and been unfair to her. I have many times I don't understand her. I should not ever think of myself but more of what she wanted. This beautiful young lady has been kind and helped me over these 6 months or more. I want to say to her I'm very sorry and I hope in her heart she can forgive me. I hope we can be close friends for many years to come and I won't tell you where she is from or her name but she knows who she is. I will give the people who read this a little clue from where she is from I want her to know that. Again, advance happy birthday!!!
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